Process for the People


I’m a process junkie. I have my design professors to thank for this—Natalie Buda required 100 sketches for every project. She had us fabricate beautiful sketchbooks and taught us the divinity of iteration. These days I don’t always make a sketchbook (though I often do), but I aim for 100 concepts, even if I can do 60 of them in my head now (come on, 23 years of experience has to count for something, right?).

My husband recently remarked that he really liked this size Moleskin journal but that I might have the corner on the market in our house. There’s nothing worse than turning up to a meeting with your partner’s notebook. This is just a small sampling of my recorded journey through time and space.

I think that standardizing my sketchbooks brings a certain amount of ritual and intention to my design process. They’re filled with drawings, business cards, receipts, ideas, musings, lists, journal entries, and the occasional kid’s drawing.

First Magnitude Brewing Company logo sketches

Mermaid Outlines FINAL.jpg

The final logo captured the pioneering spirit of the four founders. While it had absolutely nothing to do with their original requests (canoes, dogs, and Moravian stars), it had everything to do with making a standout brand.

Cypress & Grove logo sketches


Not only did we get to brand this terrific Gainesville brewery, but we also helped them settle on a name. Celtic knot? A lock that needs a key? It’s the intersection of good people and an amazing place—right on the corner of Cypress Ave. and Grove St.

Working Food (Originally “Square Root” was renamed AFTER the logo was complete—because that’s a thing?!)

Luckily, the logo they had decided on worked surprisingly well. Serendipity!


Directly across the street from Cypress & Grove you can find these guys incubating chefs and food startups and hosting community events. Is it too much to say they dug into the Gainesville food scene?

Vitality Gainesville — Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area

Love of my town and love of the CRA’s mission drove these funky, retro-flavored sketches.

